Where can I find my signed documents?

Read the instructions below to learn more

Once a document has been signed by all parties requested, it will be in your portal and you can review it at any time. You can view all your documents quickly and easily in the All Files tab in the Docs section. You will see the file name, the upload date and where it is currently stored.

NOTE: Safari web browser is not fully supported, and may limit your ability to performcertain actions within your Client Portal. Accessing the portal via Google Chrome is preferred.

Where can I find my signed documents_ – Client Portal

To view your signed documents within the folders:

1. Navigate to Docs > Folders.

Where can I find my signed documents_ – Client Portal

2. Go to the folder that matches the type of document you are looking for. For example, a tax return would be found in the My Tax folder.

Where can I find my signed documents_ – Client Portal

3. Select the folder and choose the team member that the document belongs to or the year the document was created.


4. In the documents tab, you will see all the documents within that folder and can open, review and download.

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